Living comes with responsibilities, and one of such is the one we owe ourselves; be the best of all life graciously gives to us. Our investment in improving our skills and constantly overhauling ourselves can sometimes be demanding but we strive for more as giving up isn’t an option. There’s a popular saying – “Na who give up, Naim loose” – so we keep pushing with great hopes that tomorrow will be “Pay’s day”; however, it sometimes doesn’t turn out so.
Life offers us blessings in form of humans; the most difficult to work and understand as everyone has a mind of theirs, yet in this thing called LIFE, they are a must everywhere you go. Different upbringing, cultures, and beliefs affect our views, yet we are the ones with the highest ability to understand each other and put the piece together.
Life Offers us opportunities; to be better persons, to learn, to love, to impact, to grow, to affect, and to make decisions. At his offer, make the best of it; Opportunity they say comes but once, although some are lucky to get a second chance. Make the best of every opportunity it offers you. Ask questions, put in the work, sleepless nights may creep in sometimes, feel free to take coffee to help you keep awake and get the task done.
It will pay someday!
Success is achieved when opportunity meets with preparation. If it’s a success you seek, you just got the formula; A thought just crept in. Keeping your heads high can be challenging sometimes no doubt. Motivate yourself by creating and maintaining a personal relationship with God. He is perfect and his perfection rubs off on you when you walk with him. Secondly, have godly mentors; I for one try to keep stuff to myself, but understanding that maturity is the ability to know what to share and what to keep undercover has really helped me.
Lastly, build connections; have a social life. No man is a highland, be welcoming and feel free to share your views and opinion in a RESPECTFUL AND PRECISE MANNER. Be open to reason with people’s views and opinions and point out the BUT’S if need be.
Even though I said Lastly in the preceding paragraph; there’s no way we aren’t gonna mention LOVE. A 4 – lettered word with great strength. Love and appreciate the people life brings your way.THANKYOU and SORRY should be at your fingertips. Read books to help model your mind, career, and other aspects of your life including your finances.
Don’t allow yourself or anyone to limit you; always remember “You are enough”, “You can be more”, and keep up the strive. Avoid toxic and negative people. Always remember, just the way christ rubs off his perfection on us and makes us perfect, those you engage and spend time with also rub off a part of them on you. Spend time with those that sharpen your dreams and direction; it does a lot of good than you know.
Knowing, when to walk away, is another crucial stage life brings our way! Tough stage I must say, however, the peace it delivers when achieved cannot be compared. Just be careful it’s not the “SELF” in you motivating you in that direction and you are good.
Shopping is a great way to reduce stress and is a sure plug.
Las, we will all be fine.
Love and hugs from a fine gal…